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The Journal of Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science (JOIBS) is the journal of the Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science. The Society is committed to free inquiry and rigorous standards. It is a forum for intellectual exchange and dissemination of empirically-based scholarship in any area of behavioral science, broadly construed. It allows post-publication peer commentary. Unsolicited manuscripts may be submitted at any time. JOIBS only publishes empirical papers and commentaries on those empirical papers.
Editorial Policies
Submitted articles must be empirical, quantitative, and have human participants. We do not
consider unsolicited articles based on qualitative work, animal research, purely theoretical,
reviews, or opinion pieces. Articles may be desk-rejected by either the Editor-in-Chief or the
Action Editor. Action editors have considerable leeway in their feedback to the submitting
authors. Their commentary may be extensive, much like a full review, or it may be minimal,
simply instructing authors to address the issues raised in the reviews; or it may be anything in between.
Review Policies
Submitted articles will be reviewed by at least two behavioral scientists. If the article is
accepted, the reviews will be published as commentaries along with the accepted article.
Authors will have the opportunity to respond to the reviews and have their response also
published. After publication, scientists (including the original authors and reviewers), practitioners, and the public will have the opportunity to post commentaries.
General inquiries should be sent to Nathan Honeycutt, at or to Lee Jussim, at
How to Submit an Article
JOIBS is hosted by Researchers One. Articles can be submitted at:
You will need to register for a Researchers One account in order to be able to submit an article. Please include a brief cover letter providing all authors’ contact information (address, phone, email).
If your paper is accepted, it will be copyrighted under a CC BY-NC - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. Authors retain copyright but grant anyone the right to use the material if they attribute it to the authors and do not use it for commercial purposes. More details can be found here:
Retraction Policies
We will base retraction on C.O.P.E. guidelines, which can be found here. We reserve the right to retract a paper if errors go uncorrected for more than a month (as described in Copy-Editing, Proofing, and Errors). We will never retract a paper in response to social media mobs, open or private letters calling for retraction, denunciation petitions, or the like if such petitions fail to show that the published paper meets C.O.P.E. guidelines for retraction. Similarly, authors may only retract their own published papers if they meet C.O.P.E. guidelines. Critics are welcome, however, to publish their criticisms as part of
JOIBS’ policy of open peer review.
Editorial Board
Lee Jussim, Editor, Rutgers University
Craig Frisby, Associate Editor, University of Missouri
Sally Satel, Associate Editor, American Enterprise Institute
Wilfred Reilly, Associate Editor, Kentucky State University
Consulting Reviewers
Michael Bailey, Northwestern University
Cory Clark, University of Pennsylvania
Glenn Geher, SUNY New Paltz
Nathan Honeycutt, Administrative Editor, Rutgers University
Robert Maranto, University of Arkansas
Michael Mills, Loyola Marymount University
Sean Stevens, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Harry Crane, Rutgers University
Richard Redding, Chapman University
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